Going the distance: addressing girls' inequitable access to education in Peru
I volunteered with the Sacred Valley Project in 2022 and was inspired by their project and all the work they have done to improve girls education in Peru. They have a powerful message and have done incredible work, and I wanted to showcase that with my article as they continue to push for progress.

Barriers in female athletics
I knew I wanted to write about female athletics for this article, to showcase how the challenges surrounding eating disorders and puberty affect female athletes and are often not talked about. As a runner, I have experienced some of these challenges first hand, and believe it is an extremely important topic to be aware of because eating disorders and similar challenges affect so many athletes, and the lack of knowledge contributes to these problems.

Teen skier races to qualify for the Olympics
For this feature, I knew I wanted to write about skiing because I have been downhill ski racing since I was about seven and have always loved it. I knew one of my friends was training to ultimately go to the Olympics, and decided to cover this journey and go into more detail about what it was like for her given how unique it is for someone so young to be training at such a high level.